Supporting Texas Power

A group of University of Texas at Arlington researchers has received a federal grant to find ways to increase the reliability and resilience of the Texas power grid, provide relief from power transmission congestion, reduce customer bills and facilitate the production of Texas clean energy.

UTA faculty members receive $1.6 million grant to improve reliability of Texas electric grid

The team of three UTA faculty members  received the $1.6 million grant from the Department of Energy, allowing them to explore adoption of behind-the-meter energy devices that can both reduce consumption and provide more energy back to the grid. It also enables participation in wholesale energy markets. The team will also work with other national and regional energy providers, including the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the Texas ADER Pilot Project with the Public Utility Commission of Texas and CenterPoint Energy.

UT Arlington grant may help improve Texas’ power grid

UT Arlington is getting money that might help improve the state’s power grid. We know the grid can become strained during both cold and hot weather in our state. Researchers will use the $1.6 million federal grant to look at options to improve the reliability of the grid while reducing customers’ bills.

Argonne scientists use artificial intelligence in new way to strengthen power grid resiliency

A new artificial neural network model, created by Argonne scientists, handles both static and dynamic features of a power system with a relatively high degree of accuracy.